dirt. and a round-up

I know it’s ridiculously early, but I’m getting excited about summer already. One of my favourite things abotu summer is getting a chance to play in my garden. And it’s obviously far too early to do much in the garden (especially as we only just had a frost), but it’s the perfect time of year to start clearing out the garden in preparation.

Here’s what I’ve been up to in my garden – the before and after of the great clear-out:


And I’ve been planting lots of seeds in preparation for yummy food and pretty flowers:


And in totally random, bizarre fashion, Top Gear managed to include clips of my teeny-tiny hometown in their episode tonight. How random:

TG Town

For the ‘create’ photo round-up:

Garry Byles Photography

Melissa at The Aran Artisan

Sandra at WildDaffodil

Erika at Blogging While Growing

Roz at Umpteen Things

So very pleased that you’re all still with me on this journey! You guys are great!

See you tomorrow for ‘read’, and remember, it’s not too late to join us!
