photo challenge week 41: listen

Another photo from the archives.

When I saw the word, I immediately thought of this photo. It was taken at a local park early this year.

The swans were swimming through thinly iced water, crushing it with their beaks. As they were going through it, it made the strangest, high-pitched noise. Very different – I don’t even know how to explain it!

Anyway, enjoy!

Week 41 LISTEN

11 weeks to go in the photo challenge!



photo challenge week 40: shadow

I’m back…!! Did you miss me?

Sorry that I’ve been silent for so long. I knew it would eventually happen. Life got busy – school is crazy, ridiculous busy at the moment. And we’ve had birthdays, and I’ve not been feeling very well… You know how it is, I’m sure.

Anyway, I’m trying to come back. I’ve got a photo for you today, then I’m going to share another something I’ve been working on later this week. I promise, and I can do that because I’m typing it up tonight.

So… shadow. I’m sure you know by now that I take photos of REALLY random things, but it would seem (I’ve figured out today) that I don’t take photos of shadows. I do take a lot of photos of flowers (I’m sure you know), so here is one in the shadows – I like the way it helps the colours ‘pop’!

Week 40 SHADOWLooking forward to getting back in touch with all of you – and to seeing your versions of ‘shadow’.

12 weeks to go in the photo challenge! (I’ve already failed it, but lets forget that!!)



photo challenge week 37: yellow

Hello all

I’ve decided that I’m going to stop apologising for not blogging. I will be back, and soon, I’m sure. School is too crazy at the moment to spend time on here. 😦 I’d rather be spending time with all of you!

This week, I pulled up an photo from a couple of months ago. This little guy lived at the Natural History Museum in London. He put on quite a show when we were there. Very pretty!

Week 37 YELLOW

Reminds me of Finding Nemo.

I finished a necklace last week…  I’ll share that with you soon, too. But for now, I’m going to bed!



photo challenge week 36: view

I’m feeling a little meh about blogging right now. Maybe I’m just feeling a little lazy. Whatever it is, I’m still here, and I’m sorry that I’m ignoring you. Do any others of you ever feel like that? Any tips on feeling more excited and enthusiastic on blogging.

I think it’s just a general feeling at the moment, really. I’ve just started back in to school, and it’s going well so far. Just the normality of life, I suppose. I’m sure I’ll be back and blogging soon.

The good news is that I’ve been doing lots of crafting and sewing lately. Not finishing much, though. I almost finished my print dress, but it’s waiting to be hemmed. I’ve started and almost finished a kimono top, but I made a few mistakes, so it’s taken longer than I thought, so it’s waiting for arms. That’s how things are going at the moment.

But I’m sure I’ll finish those soon – maybe I’ll go sew now…


To today’s reason for blogging – the photo! This is an old one (last summer), and it always makes me feel a bit homesick. It’s the view from up the mountain above where I grew up. My old house is even in the pic. Love it!

Week 36 VIEW

Enjoy! Looking forward to seeing your views!



photo challenge week 35: peace

I know, I know… I’m late! I’m sorry. But you know what they say – better late than never?

I’ve been sewing, mostly! And getting ready for work – I have pupils starting tomorrow… Crazy!!!


Anyway… Peace… This was my peace this summer:

Week 35 PEACE

Love it!

Have a feeling I won’t be feeling peace any more tomorrow by 9:00 tomorrow!



photo challenge week 34: silver

Hello again – sorry I missed you all yesterday. Sometimes, on summer holidays, I completely forget what day it is and such!

Anyhow, here is my photo, then stay tuned after for a bit of what I’ve been up to lately…

Week 34 SILVER

That was a photo from my trip to Paris a few months ago – wonderful! Can’t wait to see your silvers, and I am intending to do a round-up later in the week, for the whole of summer!


Anyhow… we just got back from a holiday – a week away in Malta! It was lovely and baking hot. I’ve got a nice suntan now, which is wonderful – reminds me what it was like to be hot in the cold British ‘summer’!

Here’s a pic of what I was doing there for most of the week, and I’m sure I’ll share more vacation pics in the near future! (the bars are just a railing – good view, eh?)




photo challenge week 33: clean

This was a hard picture to think of again! I certainly couldn’t take a picture of my house at the moment… 😦

Here’s what I’ve gone with:

Week 33 CLEAN

I am forever cleaning my glasses. Dirty glasses drive me absolutely batty, and in fact, I am judgemental enough that if your glasses are dirty, I’ve noticed and have wanted to clean them for you. Yup, I’m irritating like that.

Looking forward to seeing what is clean in your world! And don’t forget, you can still join us!



photo challenge week 32: purple

You know, I totally thought that while I was on holiday, I would be better at blogging, not worse.

I’m sorry.

But there are two pieces of good news:

  1. With my lack of blogging, I have been spending lots of time sewing and crafting.
  2. I don’t have many weeks left of holiday.

I will be working on another couple of blogs in the next few days, so do stay around. I know I’ve also been pretty bad a round-ups, but I’m thinking that at this stage it makes the most sense to do one GIANT round up at the end of the summer. Okay?

Anyhow, here is my photo for today’s yesterday’s theme: purple.

Week 33 PURPLE

I love these little photos. Not sure what kind of flower they are, but I think they may be related to the perwinkle. Love periwinkles.



photo challenge week 31: routine

This was another tricky word to find a photo for, especially seeing as I’m in full-blown summer mode – all routine but sleeping seems to have left me behind. You didn’t want a photo of that.

Then this morning, as I finished a part of my ‘routine’, I figured it out.


Coffee – definitely the most important part of my routine! Lovely, strong, black coffee…

And, just because I love you all so very much, I forced myself to make a second cup. And I couldn’t let it go to waste… What a sacrifice.

Just because I know people are reading this thinking ‘Jamie drinks more coffee that that…’, I make a definite effort to cut back during summer week days. Usually just one cup a day. Sometimes two.

And to get your curiosity peaked, here’s a random sneak peak at what I’ve been working on today:




photo challenge week 30: soft

What a busy couple of weeks it has been. For those who are interested, I’ll add more of that lower down the post, but first, I should share my photo of the week.

This is an old photo, but one of my faves! As soon as I saw the word soft, this came to mind! Makes me smile every time I see it!

Week 30 SOFTLooking forward to seeing your versions of soft!


Now onto this week…

I always tell myself that I will be able to do ‘things’ once school is out for the summer, but I forget the magical rule: It’s not gonna happen!

Firstly, I’ve been sick with a stupid, energy-sapping cold since the last couple of days of school. It seems to be the teacher thing – as soon as you’ve allowed yourself a little bit of relaxing time, you get poorly. (btw,if you’re gonna be a teacher-hater about it, please don’t – I realise I’m on a long holiday…)

Secondly, I’ve been working. I always forget that about holidays. I want to be one step ahead of the game come September, so I’ve been planning and prepping resources and display stuff. I’ve been in to clean out my classroom. And even more frighteningly, I cleaned out my cupboard. The boards are backed and ready to be decorated, and a few things are up, and there it sits, waiting for the final few touches… Which brings me to the rest of the week.

EVERYTHING has broken this week. First, our car was acting up. I took it to the mechanic, and annoyingly, it didn’t act up AT ALL for them! So I brought it home…

CoffeeThen, the coffee grinder broke. I know that doesn’t seem like much, but if you knew how significant coffee is to my life, you’d understand. Thankfully, my hubby was able to fix it – major crisis averted!!

Then… the wheel fell off the vacuum cleaner. And I do like a clean house. I wasn’t overly impressed by the prospect of having to wait to vacuum, but thankfully, it was fixed again.

THEN… the car broke down. Like really broke down. Since the car has been acting up (for the last couple of weeks), we had decided that it was time to buy a new (used) one, so we had a couple short-listed. This morning, the hubby was able to get time to go and look at a few cars, because we knew ours wasn’t long for the world. We got in the car, started it, drove to the end of the road, around the corner, another 50 feet, then stopped. DEAD! It is completely and totally broken. Well, the hubby looked it up, and it would cost around twice what the car is worth to get it fixed.

Luckily, a wonderful friend loaned us his lovely car so we were able to get out to see cars. And in the end, we did manage to buy quite a nice car. It’s a bit bigger, and has a strangely coloured interior, but it drives well and will definitely be more reliable. I don’t know if you can see in the picture, but the car is actually a really nice dark green!

Astra EditUnfortunately, because our old car is no longer running AT ALL, it looks like we won’t get more than scrap value for it. Oh well! There are more important things in life.

So… hopefully my week will calm down from here. I’m going to clean my craft room out now – it’s become a bit of a dumping grounds, and I’d like to be able to use it to, you know, do… crafts… And I have trousers that need hemming. Not that that’s so exciting!
